
Darkest dungeon 2 boss guide
Darkest dungeon 2 boss guide

In this phase, heroes with Focus tokens become essential tanks. Mobile teams, utilizing heroes like the Jester, should reposition vulnerable heroes to avoid receiving tokens in ranks that are about to be targeted. By moving tanks strategically before these turns, players can stack tokens on heroes best equipped to withstand the incoming attacks. New Cloistered Eyes will place tokens on their turns, targeting their opposing ranks. Managing movement and turn order becomes crucial at this stage. It is vital to prioritize attacking enemies that are evolving ahead or pose a significant threat. The objective of phase two is to evolve all enemies into the Cluster of Eyes while maintaining the survival of the party. Players should aim to synchronize the evolution of all enemies into the next phase, the Cluster of Eyes. It is crucial to keep in mind that killing the Bifurcated Eye will revert it back to a Cloistered Eye. The Bifurcated Eye, spawned from killing the Cloistered Eye, also has its own set of abilities. By carefully managing the tokens and strategically attacking enemies that evolve ahead of others, players can stack tokens on resilient heroes and ensure their survival. The Cloistered Eye possesses the “Observe” and “Gaze” abilities, which grant Focus tokens and inflict Stress on the target, respectively. While defeating the Cloistered Eyes is not the primary objective, eliminating them can yield advantages. The initial phase of the boss fight involves facing the Cloistered Eye and its evolved form, the Bifurcated Eye.

darkest dungeon 2 boss guide

Darkest Dungeon 2 – Focused Fault “Obsession Boss”:īoss Phase 1: Cloistered Eye & Bifurcated Eye Additionally, assembling a team of the best heroes and understanding their abilities is essential for surviving and dealing with the boss’s onslaught in Darkest Dungeon 2. This guide will provide a detailed overview of the boss fight, including strategies and tips for success. Understanding the mechanics of the boss, particularly the Focused Fault and its abilities, is crucial to achieving victory. Players may find themselves unprepared for the intense battle that awaits them halfway through the game.

darkest dungeon 2 boss guide

In Darkest Dungeon 2, the third boss encounter poses a significant challenge and is widely regarded as the toughest fight in the game

Darkest dungeon 2 boss guide